Often I will go check to see what they are doing that is so
ground-breakingly important that it makes my task delay-worthy.
Nine times out of ten, they are doing nothing. Nada. Zip.
Just sitting watching the dust layer on the side table in our living room.
(That being said, our house was chosen by the local university archaeology
department for a student excavation program. Years of soil accumulation allowed
them to experience the Law of Superposition in the safety and warmth of my home.
Unfortunately, the program was abandoned after the first project was started.
It appeared that the dust was the only thing holding my archaic furniture
together. Sorry about your hutch, Grandma!).
I am mulling this as recently I started to redo the book, ‘Crazy Love’ by Francis Chan. I say ‘redo’ and not ‘read’ as it’s to be experienced
and applied, not just skimmed through. (Hmmmm, kind of reminds me of another
book). Chapter 1 is about prayer. Well, it’s really about God. If you ‘do’ this
chapter correctly, prepare to have your mind stretched and convictions magnified.
As I reflected on the accounts of John and Isaiah being
brought before the throne of God, I closed my eyes and imagined being grabbed
by the scruff of my neck and dropped at the foot of His throne. Whoa. God help
me. There is no ‘down’ that would be deep enough for me to bow in humble
adoration. Compared to His greatness and holiness, the awareness of my own sinful
nature and unworthiness makes hot coals to the lips seem not nearly extreme enough.
Yet, Hebrews 4:16 tells us that in Christ we can boldly
approach the throne of God. This is the verse I guess I’ve focused on
throughout my whole life of prayer. I clearly have no problem doing that. He is my friend and He walks with me and He
talks with me. I love and chatter at Him often throughout the day. But . . . do
I fully grasp to whom I am speaking?
You see, often . . . and I mean OFTEN, the Lord has nudged
me to do something. Not always in subtle ways either. And here’s the thing, sometimes
it’s easy for me to be obedient and jump to the task. Kind of like when I ask
one of my teenage daughters to go fetch some chocolate out off the fridge. On
Other times I respond with, ‘Yeah, yeah, in a second’. You
know, like when you ask your child to go clean their room or pick up the poop
in the backyard. Some jobs do not promise us any immediate earthly rewards.
And so we brush Him off with a ‘Later, Dad’. Ouch.
Having reapplied the study of the throne of God, His
vastness and His Holiness, I am regrettably aware of my brashness as His child.
Of my lack of respect for Him.
The Lord has called me to do something and I know the only
way I am going to follow through is to spend time boldly approaching the throne
of God but now with full awareness of Who exactly is seated on that throne. To bow
down in worship is so much more than posture or emotion; it involves mind, body
and spirit.
Father, forgive us for being such lazy, disrespectful kids. Help
us all to see You as you really are. . . and out of loving fear answer without
delay when you call . . .
‘Here I am, Lord . . . send me!’
I am in the middle of doing the CrazyLove book myself and boy is it powerful! Great insight here. Thank you for sharing.