I’ve always been a ‘why’ girl. When being trained on
a new job, it’s fine to show me how and I kind of get it, but explain the why
and I can usually run with it. Understanding the logic behind something has
always been key for me.
I love how Mary did not ask the angel, ‘why’ but was
more interested in the how. My mind races trying to figure out what she meant
by that statement. As women, we can all probably imagine the thoughts and fears
that ran through that young girl’s mind.
So willing to be used by God, Mary let go and
trusted the Lord in all the details. She humbled herself and submitted to His
will. The Bible says she had found favor with God. From that, we can surmise she
was walking a holy life and knew the law. She must have known then the shame
and punishment that could have fallen on her once others discovered she was
pregnant and unmarried, yet she never argued or asked the ‘why’ but basically
said, ‘bring it on!’
What about you? Are you approaching this season with
a heart full of questions? Has the last year been so brutal you are having a
hard time even getting into the spirit of Christmas? I know the first Christmas
after my mother passed away I struggled with both ‘Why did you take her’ and
‘How can I fake any holiday cheer?’
Life doesn’t always roll the way we had planned. It
sure didn’t for Mary – you just know she shed both happy and sad tears during
her journey raising the Son of God. It’s okay to feel ‘different’ this
Christmas if you’ve lost someone close to you. There are questions in our
hearts and wounds that are still healing. Lay down your ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ at
his feet. Let the Lord meet you right where you are and be kind to yourself. He
is Emanuel, God with us . . . you are not alone in your loneliness.
we thank you for the gift of your Son! Oh how much we can learn from Mary’s
obedient heart. Help us to remember that you are God with us and that we – no
matter how we’re feeling – are not alone this season. Fill us with your Holy
Spirit that we would be free to embrace all that you have for us this
Christmas. Amen!
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